This course aims to give the knowledge to individuals that oversee or manage work at height on portable ladders. They will gain Knowledge on current legislation, regulations and guidance affecting work at height with ladders, stepladders and step stools. The importance of rescue planning. The difference between pre-use and formal inspections. The difference between maintenance and repairs, and who is allowed to carry these out. The correct way to dispose of unsafe equipment
• Legal requirements and Guidance
• Work at height regulations
• Planning and organizing, selecting and using STEP
• Storage transportation and maintenance
• Assessing risks
• Pre-use inspection procedures
• Understanding of formal inspection procedure
• Behavioural competencies
Any person who has responsibility for overseeing the work of operatives on site ensuring that work is properly planned and organised and that those involved in carrying out the work are competent and properly trained, and that Ladders, Stepladders and Step Stools are correctly inspected and maintained.