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IOSH Managing Safely Refresher

IOSH Working Safely

Course Aim

The course aim is for delegates to refresh their knowledge on the key parts of the full Managing safely course. Emphasis is on monitoring, auditing and reviewing, which is learned through two practical case studies.

Course Content

  • Discussion on what each delegate took away from the full Managing Safely course and what they want to get from the Refresher course
  • Delegates will refresh their knowledge of the key learning points from the full Managing safely course
  • Why leadership and management is important and their role in influencing managing safely
  • How you can work with the Plan, Do, Check and Act model
  • Why effective communication is essential
  • Monitoring and reporting

Aimed At

Those who have previously completed a IOSH Managing Safely

  • Classroom Training
    Video Conference
  • Bracknell
    Client Site
    Eccleshall (Staffordshire)
  • 1 day
  • 12:1
  • 3 years certification
  • £1365 per course plus £45 per person for IOSH certificate and book
We currently have no spaces on this course - click here to be notified when it's next available