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Confined Space Awareness

Confined Space Awareness

Course Aim

  • Explain what is meant by a confined space.
  • List the major hazards and hazardous atmospheres in relation to confined spaces
  • Understand the importance of risk assessment and its practical application
  • Be able to discuss safe systems of work and permits to work
  • Discuss the importance of Emergency planning
  • Understand the principles and use of gas monitors.
  • Be able to define roles and responsibilities, especially the Top Man role

Course Content

  • Legislation and Regulations
  • Definition of a confined space & classifications
  • Specified Risks
  • Duties under the Regulations, preventing the need for entry.
  • Hazard identification
  • Atmospheric hazards and gases
  • Principles and use of gas detectors
  • Risk Assessment
  • Safe systems of work & permits to work.
  • Roles, responsibilities and topman duties
  • Fall protection, rescue and escape breathing apparatus.

Aimed At

This course is for managers, supervisors or other persons who will have responsibilities for personnel working in confined spaces. It will give them the background knowledge to be able to supervise or manage such operations and to ensure that personnel involved have appropriate levels of training. It will help them to appreciate the hazards and risks of confined space

  • Classroom Training
  • Bracknell
    Client Site
    Eccleshall (Staffordshire)
    Linlithgow (Edinburgh)
  • 1 day
  • 10:1
  • 3 years certification
  • Training Centre:
    £1540 per course
    Client's Site:
    £1900 at your site
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