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Silva Map Measurer Path

SKU: 8306 Categories: ,

£22.91 incl. VAT
£19.09 excl. VAT

In Stock


A well-planned journey begins in the comfort of your own home and leaves you time to enjoy the trip once you are actually out in the wilderness. With a map measurer your trip can be planned in detail, to avoid surprises on the way. Daily stages linked together with the number of days of the trip, should be equivalent to the distance you want to cover, to reach your goal in time.

The SILVA Map Measurer Path is an analog navigation instrument with a pointer. Choose one of the eight map scales between 1:15.000 and 1:750.000 according to your map, and it measures your planned route. Given a known speed you can then also calculate how long it will take to cover the rest of the trip.

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